


サーバ: linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD
クライアント: linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, WindowsXP

% sudo make install

でインストールできる。ただ、一部のperlスクリプトが/usr/bin/perlを要求するため、/usr/bin/perlへsymbolic linkを張っておくとよい。以上でサーバとクライアントの両方がインストールされる。


便利な設定スクリプトvice-setupがついているのでそれを使う。codaの世界ではサーバはvice, クライアントはvenusと呼ばれているようだ。

ruby: {73} sudo vice-setup
Welcome to the Coda Server Setup script!

What is the domain name for your servers?
You already have a file /usr/pkg/etc/coda/server.conf!
Continueing will remove that file.
Do you want to continue? [yes/no] yes
Setting up config files for a coda server.
Do you want the file /usr/pkg/etc/coda/server.conf created? [yes] yes
What is the root directory for your coda server(s)? [/vice] /dsk/vice
Setting up /dsk/vice.
Directories under /dsk/vice are set up.


Is this the master server, aka the SCM machine? (y/n) y


Setting up tokens for authentication.
The following token must be identical on all servers.
Enter a random token for update authentication : elephant
The following token must be identical on all servers.
Enter a random token for auth2 authentication : 12345678
The following token must be identical on all servers.
Enter a random token for volutil authentication : abcdefgh
tokens done!

Setting up the file list for update client
Filelist for update ready.
Do you want to start the server at boot time? (y/n) y
Startup scripts now installed.
Now installing files specific to the SCM...

Setting up servers file.
Enter an id for the SCM server. (hostname
The serverid is a unique number between 0 and 255.
You should avoid 0, 127, and 255.
serverid: 1


Setting up users and groups for Coda

You need to give me a uid (not 0 or 1) and username (not root)
for a Coda System:Administrator member on this server,
(sort of a Coda super user)

I will create the initial administrative user with Coda password
"changeme". This user/password is only for authenticating with
Coda and not for logging into your system (i.e. we don't use
/etc/passwd authentication for Coda)

Enter the uid of this user: 1000
Enter the username of this user: codaadmin

codaはRVMを使っていてその裏打ちとなるストレージエリアを設定する。rawパーティションが望ましいが実験であるため、通常のファイルを指定した。ここではlogに20M, dataに128Mを指定した。

A server needs a small log file or disk partition, preferrably on a
disk by itself. It also needs a metadata file or partition of approx
4% of your filespace.

Raw partitions have advantages because we can write to the disk
faster, but we have to load a copy of the complete RVM data
partition into memory. With files we can use a private mmap, which
reduces memory pressure and speeds up server startup by several
orders of magnitude.

Servers with a smaller dataset but heavy write activity will
probably benefit from partitions. Mostly read-only servers with a
large dataset will definitely benefit from an RVM data file. Nobody
has really measured where the breakeven point is, so I cannot
really give any hard numbers.

WARNING: you are going to play with your partitions now.
verify all answers you give.

WARNING: these choices are not easy to change once you are up and running.

Are you ready to set up RVM? [yes/no] yes

What will be your log file (or partition)? /dsk/vice/rvm.log

The log size must be smaller than the available space in the log
partition. A smaller log will be quicker to commit, but the log
needs to be large enough to handle the largest transaction. A
larger log also allows for better optimizations. We recommend
to keep the log under 30M log size, many people have successfully
used as little as 2M, and 20M has worked well with our servers.
What is your log size? (enter as e.g. '20M') 20M

Where is your data file (or partition)? /dsk/vice/

The amount of RVM we need to store the metadata for a given
amount file space can vary enormously. If your typical data set
consists of many small files, you definitely need more RVM, but
if you tend to store large files (mp3s, videos or image data)
we don't need all that much RVM.

Here are some random samples,
  mp3 files     ~0.08MB RVM per GB.
  jpeg images   ~0.50MB RVM per GB.
  email folders ~37.8MB RVM per GB (maildir, 1 file per message)
  netbsd-pkgsrc  ~180MB RVM per GB (large tree but not much data)

To get a more precize number for your dataset there is a small
tool (rvmsizer) which can reasonably predict the amount of RVM
data we need for a file tree.

Remember that RVM data will have to be mmapped or loaded
into memory, so if anything fails with an error like
RVM_EINTERNAL you might have to add more swap space.

What is the size of you data file (or partition)
[32M, 64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 768M, 1G]: 128M

WARNING: DATA and LOG partitions are about to be wiped.

  --- log area: /dsk/vice/rvm.log, size 20M.
  --- data area: /dsk/vice/, size 128 MB.

Proceed, and wipe out old data? [y/n] y

LOG file has been initialized!

Rdsinit will initialize data and log.
This takes a while.
rvm_initialize succeeded.
Going to initialize data file to zero, could take awhile.
rds_zap_heap completed successfully.
rvm_terminate succeeded.

RVM setup is done!


Directories on the server will be used to store container files
that hold the actual data of files stored in Coda. Directory
contents as well as metadata will be stored in the RVM segment
that we already configured earlier.

You should only have one container file hierarchy for each disk
partition, otherwise the server will generate incorrect
estimates about the actual amount of exportable disk space.

Where shall we store your file data [/vicepa]? /dsk/vice/vicepa
Shall I set up a vicetab entry for /dsk/vice/vicepa (y/n) y
Select the maximum number of files for the server.
[256K, 1M, 2M, 16M]: 

Server directory /dsk/vice/vicepa is set up!

Congratulations: your configuration is ready...


Shall I try to get things started? (y/n) y
 - Coda authentication server (auth2 &)
 - Coda update server (updatesrv)
 - Coda update client (updateclnt -h
Creating /dsk/vice/spool
 - Coda file server (startserver)

Nice, it looks like everything went ok
Now I'll try to create an initial root volume
 - createvol_rep /
Replicated volumeid is 7f000000
creating volume /.0 on (partition /dsk/vice/vicepa)
V_BindToServer: binding to host
V_BindToServer: binding to host
Set Log parameters
Fetching volume lists from servers:
V_BindToServer: binding to host
GetVolumeList finished successfully - success
V_BindToServer: binding to host ruby
VLDB completed.
<echo / 7f000000 1 01000001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >> /dsk/vice/db/>
V_BindToServer: binding to host ruby
VRDB completed.
Do you wish this volume to be Backed Up (y/n)? [n] 

That seems to have worked...
If you have a working Coda client you should now be able to
access the new Coda realm
 - cfs lv /coda/

enjoy Coda.
 for more information see



ruby: {4} sudo venus-setup



ruby: {6} sudo venus 
Date: Sun 12/30/2007

21:55:04 Coda Venus, version 6.9.2
21:55:04 /dsk/coda/LOG size is 214880 bytes
21:55:04 /dsk/coda/DATA size is 859520 bytes
21:55:04 Initializing RVM data...
21:55:04 ...done
21:55:04 Loading RVM data
21:55:05 Starting RealmDB scan
21:55:06        Found 1 realms
21:55:06 starting VDB scan
21:55:06        0 volume replicas
21:55:06        0 replicated volumes
21:55:06        0 CML entries allocated
21:55:06        0 CML entries on free-list
21:55:06 starting FSDB scan (85, 100000) (25, 75, 4)
21:55:06        0 cache files in table (0 blocks)
21:55:06        85 cache files on free-list
21:55:06 starting HDB scan
21:55:06        0 hdb entries in table
21:55:06        0 hdb entries on free-list
21:55:06 Mounting root volume...
21:55:06 /coda now mounted.
21:55:06 Venus starting...



ruby: {7} ls -l /coda
ruby: {8} clog
ruby: {9} ls -l /coda
total 4
drwxr-xr-x  1 root  65534  2048 Dec 30 20:51
ruby: {16} cfs la /coda/
System:Administrators  rlidwka 

rlidwkaというのはパーミッションの記号名である。詳しくはman cfsして欲しい。



ruby: {17} echo a > /coda/
ruby: {20} ls -al /coda/
total 10
drwxr-xr-x  1 root   65534  2048 Dec 30 22:06 .
dr-xr-xr-x  1 root   65534  2048 Dec 30 21:55 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 admin  65534     2 Dec 30 22:03 tt
ruby: {21} ctokens
Tokens held by the Cache Manager for k-1:
        Coda user id:    1000
        Expiration time: Mon Dec 31 22:55:32 2007

ctokensコマンドで誰でログインしているか、チケットの有効期限が表示される。ここではcoda user idが1000つまりcodaadminであり、大晦日まで有効だというのが分かる。